Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Dream

by Jane Beal

I have a dream that one day no boy, girl, man or woman will ever be sexually abused, assaulted, prostituted or trafficked again.

I have a dream that any one who has ever been abused, assaulted, prostituted or trafficked will be completely healed – physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally – from all symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.

I have a dream that any person who is ever abused, assaulted, prostituted or trafficked another person will stop, repent, and change.

I have a dream that in America and internationally we will no longer execute people or put them in prison for life, but we will instead practice restorative justice.

I have a dream that all people will experience freedom and forgiveness.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that no woman in the world will ever be forced to have an abortion again.

I have a dream that every woman who is expecting a baby will feel so loved, cared for, and supported by the father of her child, her own family, her friends, the church, and the culture at large that abortion will never again seem like her only choice.

I have a dream that every woman who has ever experienced abortion will receive complete healing and restoration.

I have a dream that every person who has ever, by passively ignoring a pregnant woman in need or actively encouraging her to have an abortion, will stop, repent, and change.

I have a dream that everyone who is grieving over the death of a baby from abortion will be comforted by the knowledge of that baby’s eternal life in heaven and the knowledge that we will see our babies again and know them and love them in the light of grace.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that there will be no more maternal, fetal or infant deaths in America or internationally from preventable causes.

I have a dream that every pregnant woman will have good food to eat and clean water to drink.

I have a dream that women in childbirth will be treated like people made in the image of God: loved, respected and cherished for who they are and the great work they are doing in bringing forth new life.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that women’s will in childbirth will be honored and respected.

I have a dream that every caregiver assisting a woman in childbirth – whether doctor, midwife, nurse, doula or other assistant – will explain anything that needs explaining and ask the woman’s permission first before doing anything to her whenever this is possible.

I have a dream that no woman will be subjected to an unnecesarean ever again.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that anyone who has ever violated a woman’s will in childbirth will stop, repent, and change.

I have a dream that every woman who has ever experienced trauma in childbirth will be completely healed physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

I have a dream that every father who has ever been made to feel powerless because of things that were done to his woman or child in the birth process would find his strength again and be able to protect his family in the future with God’s help.

I have a dream that babies will be born in bliss and families will continue their lives together with great joy.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that people will know their options in childbirth and choose wisely.

I have a dream that instead of 10,000 midwives in this country, there will be 100,000, and families will have the option of receiving midwifery care in pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period whenever they want or need it.

I have a dream that midwifery education in this country will be expanded, certified professional midwives will be legalized to attend home births in every state in the nation, and midwives will work together with one another and all other caregivers in childbirth to change birth practices not only in America, but throughout the world.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that every baby in the womb will be treated like the thinking, feeling, remembering human beings that they are from conception to birth.

I have a dream that every baby who is born will be treated like a person made in the image of God: loved, respected and welcomed with great joy by name.

I have a dream that babies will not be subjected to drugs, synthetic hormones, and other interventions that interfere with the health of their minds and bodies in the birth process.

I have a dream that people will recognize they need to talk to babies lovingly when they are born and avoid doing procedures to them that cause them pain.

I have a dream that no mother or baby will ever be separated at birth, but will be together and given the opportunity to breast-feed and to bond with one another so that their love will stay strong their whole lives.

I have a dream!

I have a dream that every person on this planet will have the opportunity to know how much their Creator loves them.

I have a dream that every person on this planet will have the opportunity to consider who Jesus Christ is and what his redeeming sacrifice on the Cross means for our souls.

I have a dream that no one would ever die without knowledge of salvation, redemption, spiritual formation, transformation and the hope of eternal life that is in God.

This is my dream
for the kingdom of God
 to be more fully manifest on this earth.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God …” (Matthew 6:33)

“Without a vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18), but God is “not willing that any should perish” (2 Peter 3:9) for “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Jane Beal