Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Birth of Ezekiel Odom

The Long Awaited Arrival of Superstar Ezekiel Nathan Odom
by Julie Odom ... as told to her son, Ezekiel


Your due date was November 28th, 2011. We thought, for sure, you would be early. Mommy was huge! Mama even had some little contractions days before you came, but they didn’t last long. We tried everything to get you to make your big arrival. We went on walks, lifted, squatted, took some homeopathic stuff, and tried bouncing on the birthing ball. Nothing seemed to work. We were getting impatient—we were so excited for you to arrive!

Game Day

Ten days after your due date, Wednesday, December 7th, Mommy woke up just before 3 AM with a contraction. The next four contractions came anywhere from 6-12 minutes apart and were lasting 30 seconds to a minute. Mommy woke Daddy after the second contraction. We called Trish, your doula, who had us monitor the contractions for the next 30 minutes. We did, and it was clear that this was it! 

We called Grandma to come pick up Naomi. Daddy called Gigi to tell her you were on your way. Trish hustled to our house, but by the time she got here, we were ready to head to West Suburban Hospital. Contractions were getting strong and fast. Daddy sped to the hospital in about 20 minutes at about. Mommy thought you might arrive in the car! Daddy pulled up to the emergency drop off area, left the car running, and ran to the hospital door. The hospital employee was moving slow, but Daddy wasn’t. He pushed Mama in the wheel chair up to the Alternative Birthing Center (ABC) room, hustling past everyone to make it to the room in time.

When we entered the room, Shirley Moore, our midwife was there waiting and filling the tub. Meanwhile, Shirley checked Mommy, who was 9.5 centimeters already. Mama got into the tub as soon as possible. Daddy and Trish were finding ways to make her comfortable. Daddy put on music. Trish rubbed my shoulders. Shirley told Mommy to push as soon as she felt like it. She did, and her water broke. Mommy said it was painful, but it was amazing to feel you making your way into the world.  She pushed the last push without a contraction. She was determined for you to come before the woman in the room next door. Hearing the other woman labor gave her extra motivation.  

It’s a boy! Ezekiel Nathan! You were placed in Mommy’s arms until your cord stopped pulsating. You cried the most beautiful cry. Daddy cut your cord as we cried with joy. We both said we love you so much! You were born at 6:25 AM in the water. You were beautiful, healthy and just perfect.


You were a water baby! Daddy held you while Mommy delivered the placenta. She was in much pain because of swelling on one side of her. A nursed pushed on her belly, which ached tremendously. As soon as the pain subsided, we were ready to nurse. You latched quickly and with ease. Our big baby boy ate like a champion!

Daddy called family to tell them to head to the hospital. He did not say your gender because we wanted to surprise everyone together at the hospital. Your sister got to be the first to see you. She was a proud, happy big sister. When everyone arrived at the hospital, we announced that you were a boy. Everyone shouted with joy!

We took you home the following day. The first day with you was amazing. You were, and still are, so amazing. 

Words cannot describe our blessing in you.

Jane, Tricia, Ezekiel & Julie!

Postscript by Jane Beal: This birth story is so special to me. I had the joy of being with Julie and her husband Nate when their first child, Naomi, was born. However, I could not be there in person for their second baby because I'd moved from Chicagoland to Colorado. 

I recommended my friend and fellow doula, Tricia, to Julie for her second birth. I'd had the great joy of attending the birth of Tricia's second child, Beckett Gilead, and I wanted these two wonderful women to know each other. So I introduced their families at my Mexican Fiesta/Going-Away-Party ...  and everything worked out!

In April of this year, I had the chance to return to Wheaton and meet Ezekiel in person. Tricia and Julie and I took this picture at a party I had at the home of my friends, the Roots. The genuine Christian community, with women helping women in childbirth, meant so much to me and always will.